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News, Tips & Advice

National Safe Work Month 2024: Week 3

Health & Wellbeing

This week’s theme is Risk Management which is integral to safe workplace. WorkPac’s risk management protocols include consideration of our corporate risks as well as those present at our client’s sites.

Solutions   Traineeships

How to report a hazard or near miss in the workplace


Reporting hazards or near misses that you observe is key to preventing incidents and accidents in our work environments. They are the free lessons we learn from! A hazard is ANYTHING that you think has the potential to cause harm to you, your workmat...
Solutions   Traineeships 2024

Road Safety

Health & Wellbeing

Did you know that approximately 1,200 people are killed each year on Australia’s roads and about 40,000 are seriously injured. Even one death on our roads is one too many. The leading causes of fatal road accidents are: Speeding 31%. Drugs or alcoho...

Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Workplace


Mental health problems don’t discriminate and can affect anyone at any age, with 1 in 5 Australians aged 16-85 having experienced a mental health condition or concern. That’s why it’s so important to care for your mental health by learning to recogni...
HSC   Youth Worker 2024

World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2024


This year, the theme focuses on exploring the impacts of climate change on occupational safety and health. Changing weather patterns have notable impacts on the world of work, particularly affecting workers safety and health. Examples of occupational...
Blog worker

Interview Techniques to Help You Secure Your Next Job

Employee Updates

Landing your next job can be a challenging task, but with the right preparation and interview techniques, you can increase your chances of success.

recent interview techniques

Our committment to our employees includes access to an Employee Assistance Program.

Employee Updates

WorkPac is proud to partner with Gryphon Psychology to provide a confidential and supportive Employee Assistance Program. The counselling service offered can assist our people in addressing personal or work-related concerns. The program aims to help...
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What do I do if I'm injured at work?

Health & Wellbeing

The safety of our people is our first priority, we strive to ensure safe work environments for all. Injuries can happen in the workplace, so it is important that you notify us immediately to ensure you receive the appropriate support. If you are inju...
Blog EAP

Fatigue Management - A Worker's Guide

Health & Wellbeing

What is Fatigue? Fatigue is more than feeling tired and drowsy. In a work context, fatigue is a state of mental and/or physical exhaustion that reduces a person’s ability to perform work safely and effectively. The cause of fatigue can be work-relate...
Blog worker