

Welcome to the WorkPac Pty Ltd ASC Agreement 2013-2015 information page.

Dear WorkPac Australian Submarine Corporation (ASC) Employee

This page is dedicated to providing information in relation to the renegotiation of the WorkPac Pty Ltd ASC Agreement.

The existing agreement has reached its nominal expiry date, however continues to operate until we actively replace it.

The information contained on this page seeks to provide you with all the information you need in order to make an informed decision on the proposed agreement.

What is an enterprise agreement?

An enterprise agreement is an agreement between an employer and its employees that will be covered by the agreement that sets the wages and conditions of those employees for a period of up to 4 years.  To come into operation, the agreement must be supported by a majority of the employees who cast a vote to approve the agreement and it must be approved by an independent authority, Fair Work Australia who perform a test on the Agreement to make sure that employees are better off overall under the Agreement than under the Award.

If you are an employee who would be covered by the proposed agreement

You have the right to appoint a bargaining representative to represent you in bargaining for the agreement or in a matter before Fair Work Australia about bargaining for the agreement.

You can do this by notifying any person in writing that you appoint that person as your bargaining representative. You can also appoint yourself as a bargaining representative. In either case you must give a copy of the appointment to your employer.

If you are a member of a union that is entitled to represent your industrial interests in relation to the work to be performed under the agreement, your union will be your bargaining representative for the agreement unless you appoint another person as your representative or you revoke the union’s status as your representative. If this applies, you will need to provide proof of current union membership to your employer. 

If you have any questions about this notice or about enterprise bargaining, you can find more information at www.fairwork.gov.au  or contact the Fair Work Infoline on 13 13 94.


Proposed Agreement

Introduction Letter 
Proposed Agreement
Group Personal Accident Summary Booklet
Representational Rights Notification 
Frequently Asked Questions
Interpreter Guide 
Voting Instructions

Supporting Information

Manufacturing and Associated Industries and Occupations Award 2010 
National Employment Standards 
Fair Work Act 2009 
Fair Work (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 2009 (Cth) 

We thank you for your participation in this process and look forward to a long and prosperous future working relationship. Any questions can be directed through to either 1800 019 194 or WorkPacEBA@workpac.com  

Kind Regards

The WorkPac Team