Road Safety: How to Avoid Fatigue


​Road SafetyDid you know that approximately 1,200 people are killed each year on Australia’s roads and about 40,000 are seriously injured. Even one death on our roads is one too many.The leading causes of fatal road accidents are:Speeding 31%; Drugs or alcohol 37%; Distractions 12%; andFatigue 11.2%Distractions​FatigueDriver fatigue or “drowsy driving” is the loss of driver attention from feeling sleepy or tired. There is a significant increase in the risk of you being involved in a crash if you are driving when tired or drowsy.Fatigue can be caused by:Being awake continuously for an extended period of time (more than 16 hours).Lack of enough quality sleep.Driving at times when you are normally asleep (12am–6am) or in the afternoon lull (1pm-4pm), when our biological time clock makes most of us feel sleepy. Shift workers are six times more likely to be involved in a fatigue-related crash, particularly when travelling home from work.Having a sleep disorder (i.e. sleep apnea). Symptoms of sleep apnea include heavy snoring broken by sudden periods of silence, restless sleep and constantly being tired, experiencing micro sleeps.Research indicates that going without sleep for 17 hours in a 24 hour period has as much as an effect on driving performance as a Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) of .05, which carries double the risk of a sober driver. Going without sleep for 24 hours has the same effect as a BAC of .1, which is double the legal BAC limit.  Tips on beating fatigueBefore driving:Ensure you regularly get enough sleep (most people need 7-9 hours a day).Know your body clock and when you feel most alert.Plan your route before you go, map out rest stops, and let someone know your travel plans. Don’t start a long trip after a long shift where possible.Seek medical advice if you regularly feel sleepy or have noticed problems with your sleep. Don't drink alcohol before your trip. Even a small amount can contribute to driver fatigue.Be aware of the effects of medications you are taking as some may increase drowsiness.While driving:Pull over and take a short nap (“powernap”) if tired. Research shows that even a small sleep or powernap of 15-20 minutes can temporarily lessen the effects of fatigue for up to 1-2 hours. Caffeine intake immediately prior to a 15-20 minute nap may provide additional benefits, as the alerting benefits of the caffeine will likely kick-in upon waking.Take regular rest breaks of at least 15 minutes every two hours.Where possible, drive for no more than eight hours within a 24 hour period.Share driving on long trips if possibleBe alert to other road hazardsLook out for pedestrians and cyclists, ensure sufficient stopping distance.Drive to the road conditions (i.e. speed, weather, visibility, traffic congestion).Be alert and look out for wildlife.Observe road sharing protocols.

Updates to myWorkPac's Multi-Factor Authentication


Soon, logging onto myWorkPac will have updates to its Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) process. Your security is our top priority, and we're always looking for ways to enhance it.What is Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)?It’s an extra layer of security that helps protect your account from unauthorised access. With MFA, logging in requires not only your password but also an additional piece of information, such as a code sent to your phone. It's like adding a deadbolt to your front door – just another layer of protection to keep your account safe and sound.Why are we implementing MFA?Enhanced Security: By requiring an additional verification step, we make it much harder for unauthorised individuals to gain access to your account, even if they somehow manage to get your password.Protection Against Phishing: MFA adds an extra barrier against phishing attacks. Even if someone tricks you into revealing your password, they still won't be able to access your account without the additional authentication step.Peace of Mind: With MFA in place, you can rest easy knowing that your account is better protected against potential threats and security breaches.​What do we need from you?To ensure a smooth transition to MFA, we kindly ask you to take a moment to verify that your phone number on file is up to date. This will ensure that you can receive the necessary codes to complete the authentication process seamlessly.Here's what you need to do:Log in to your myWorkPac account.​​Go to the personal details page.Verify or update your mobile phone number​That's it! You're all set.I’ve received an email letting me know my number has been changed in myWorkPac. What does this mean?You will receive an email from myWorkPac letting you know that the mobile number associated with your account has been changed. You will receive this if:You change/update your mobile number on myWorkPac; orA WorkPac representative updates your mobile number in your profile in our database.​Once MFA is enabled, the next time you log in, you'll be prompted to enter a code sent to your mobile number via SMS. It's quick, easy, and adds an extra layer of protection to your myWorkPac account.If you have any questions or need assistance with updating your phone number, reach out to our Contact Centre at 1300 967 572. We're here to help!Thank you for your attention to this matter. Your security is important to us, and we appreciate your cooperation as we implement these important enhancements. For more information on Multi-Factor Authentication check outhttps://www.cyber.gov.au/learn-basics/explore-basics/mf

World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2024


​This year, the theme focuses on exploring the impacts of climate change on occupational safety and health.Changing weather patterns have notable impacts on the world of work, particularly affecting workers safety and health. Examples of occupational risks exacerbated by climate change include heat stress, UV radiation, air pollution, extreme weather events, and increased exposure to chemicals. Looking further into heat and UV radiation:​Workers particularly at risk include:Outdoor workers in physically demanding sectors, such as manufacturing, construction, mining, and transportation sectors; and Indoor workers in hot and poorly ventilated environments. Primary health impactsinclude:Heat stress, heat stroke, heat exhaustion, heat syncope, heat cramps, heat rash, acute kidney injury, physical injury and mental health conditions.Prevention strategies include: Aim to drink 2- 3 litres of water at regular intervals even if you are not thirsty;Avoid sports drinks, tea and coffee which are all diuretics, and choose water;Seek shade and cooler environments during rest periods;Wear loose clothing and a wide brimmed hat wherever possible;Always wear sunscreen when outdoors and unsheltered; andEnsure good sleep habits.

​Interview Techniques to Help You Secure Your Next Job

BY: Samara Thorne26/03/2024

​Interview Techniques to Help You Secure Your Next JobLanding your next job can be a challenging task, but with the right preparation and interview techniques, you can increase your chances of success. Here are some tips to help you nail your next interview:Research the company:take the time to research the company and its culture before the interview. This will help you tailor your responses and show that you are genuinely interested in the company.Prepare for common questions:there are some common interview questions that you can prepare for in advance. These include questions about your strengths, weaknesses, and why you want to work for the company.Practice your responses:practice your responses to common interview questions with a friend or family member. This will help you feel more confident and articulate during the interview.Dress appropriately:dressing appropriately for the interview is important. Make sure you are well-groomed and dressed in a professional manner.Be punctual:arrive at the interview early. This will give you time to compose yourself and make a good first impression.Be confident:during the interview, be confident and maintain eye contact with the interviewer. Speak clearly and concisely, and don't be afraid to ask questions.By following these tips, you can increase your chances of acing your next interview and landing your next job.

Easter Pay Run Changes 2024

BY: Katie Matlock22/03/2024

Easter is just around the corner! With public holidays also approaching, WorkPac's Payroll team wish to advise our employees of the following changes:​Week Commencing Monday 25th March 2024Due to the Good Friday Public Holiday there will be no pay run on Friday 29th MarchWe encourage all employees to please lodge their approved timesheets by 10am AEST, Thursday 28th MarchTimesheets received after this deadline will be processed in the next available pay run (ie. Tuesday 2nd April)Week Commencing Monday 1st April 2024Due to the Easter Monday public holiday (Monday 1st April), pay will be delayed by 1 working dayTo ensure pay is processed in time, please ensure your approved timesheet has been logged by 10am AEST ,Tuesday 2nd AprilPlease note: Public holidays may also affect your bank's processing days. We encourage you to please contact your bank should you have any concerns.​Please contact your WorkPac Representative for assistance with any other queries.​We wish our employees, teams and families, a safe and happy Easter.​

Are you looking for a job and based overseas? Learn about the requirements to apply for jobs in Australia.


​Are you located overseas and interested in applying for a role with WorkPac? The first step in our recruitment process is, as required by law, to verify your right to work in Australia.Specifically, to undertake work in Australia you must:Be an Australian Citizen;Be a Permanent Resident of Australia; orHold an approved visa with working rights as issued by the Australian Government.The Australian Government has strict guidelines, laws and requirements in relation to the right to work in Australia. Under these laws, WorkPac is unable to employ you unless you are an Australian citizen, a permanent resident of Australia or you hold a valid visa issued by the Australian Government which entitles you to work in Australia.If you are an overseas job seeker, you first need to obtain a temporary working visa through the Australian Government.  Once you have obtained this you can contact employers in Australia to try and secure employment and sponsorship.For more information about how to obtain a working visa visit the Australian Government’s immigration website. https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/visa-finder.Should you re-locate to Australia and/or obtain valid rights to work within Australia, please do not hesitate to contact WorkPacto discuss relevant opportunities. Additional tips on how to apply for jobs in Australia can be found by visiting the following:https://www.seek.com.au/career-advice/article/how-to-find-a-job-in-australiahttps://blog.kickresume.com/how-to-find-a-job-in-australia/

Applied for a job with WorkPac? Tips on how to make sure your myWorkPac profile is up to date


​​When you register for work with myWorkPacit’s important to keep your details up to date so that our recruiters can get in contact with you about roles. Visit the “Summary of My Info” section of the site to find all of the personal information to update. These include:​​Personal and contact detailsAddressResume and QualificationsWork preferencesWork History and RefereesRight to work in AustraliaEducationWork documentsEEO (Equal Employment Opportunity)​​Check out our blog post on how to stand out when writing your resume​

SCAM ALERT - Beware of emails posing as a WorkPac recruiter

BY: Samara Thorne29/01/2024

​We have received information regarding a recent scam where individuals are sending fraudulent emails and impersonating representatives from WorkPac.The email requests that the recipient click on the attached job offer to check their details. The attachment is malicious – do not open the attachment. The email uses a WorkPac recruiter's name and title but is not from a WorkPac email address. ​For advice on how to spot and avoid email scams, please visit  https://www.scamwatch.gov.au/protect-yourself/ways-to-spot-and-avoid-scams​​​Remember​​WorkPac email communication only comes from an @workpac.com email address. If you are unsure about any email, SMS or message, please call our team on 1300 967 572 or email us at contactus@workpac.comto report it. ​​If you have identified something as potentially fraudulent or a scam, please screenshot it, before deleting it from your inbox and deleted items on your device.​​Reporting​​If you receive any fraudulent email such as this one, please report it to: https://www.scamwatch.gov.au/report-a-scam​Example of the Scam Email​​Example of legitimate WorkPac email​​

How to stay safe this cyclone season


​Stay safe this cyclone season by making sure you’re well prepared and understand the processes to follow if a cyclone hits your area.  Keep reading for WorkPac’s full guide to cyclone season 2023/2024. WHERE CAN I GET INFORMATION?The main sources of cyclone information are radio and television stations. During a cyclone threat, some stations keep local staff on duty 24 hours a day to broadcast cyclone information. Because of the high chance of the power supply being disrupted, it is important to have a battery-operated radio to listen for cyclone advice.The Bureau of Meteorology provides the latest watches, warnings and supporting information on this website and through its telephone service.Bureau of MeteorologyAutomated Telephone Messages: Cyclone Advice (Watch/Warning):QLD: 1300 659 212NT: 1300 659 211WA: 1300 659 210Emergency services agenciesEmergency Management Australia:Emergency Response AssistanceWestern Australia:Department of Fire & Emergency Services (DFES) Phone: 132 500 (see local phone directory for regional offices)Northern Territory:Northern Territory Emergency Services ( NTES)Phone: 131 444Queensland:Emergency Management Queensland (EMQ)Phone: 132 500 (see local phone directory for regional offices)New South Wales:State Emergency Service (SES)Victoria:Vic EmergencyVictoria State Emergency Services:Be StormsafeTasmania:TasAlertTasmanian Fire ServicesTasmanian State Emergency Services

Essential Do's and Don'ts for Great Resume Writing

BY: Samara Thorne19/01/2024

​Getting the fundamentals of good resume writing right is a guaranteed way of ensuring that your application doesn’t immediately get passed into the “not this time” bin. Remember the main purpose of your resume is to get you to the next step in the hiring process, that is an interview. This means providing a logical and well-structured overview of your experience and skills that makes it easy for an employer to see your suitability for a role. The average employer or recruiter only spends a few seconds looking at a resume for information relevant to the role they are hiring for, so you need to understand what they want to see – and in some cases, what they don’t want to see. Here are the basic do’s and don’ts for great resume writing. DO: Tailor your resume to suit the positionTake time to ensure that the person who will be screening your resume understands why you are applying for the role. Highlight transferrable skills and experience/achievements that are relevant to the requirements of the role. DO: List your experiences chronologicallyList your jobs in reverse chronological order with your most recent job or experience first. In most cases your recent experience will be the one that will interest the employer most so give it the most weight. For this and every other position ensure you include key tasks and measurable achievements. DO: Use action words (and back it up with evidence)Tell the employer about when you "grew", "built", "increased", "drove" or "led" something and evidence it with figures. Action words contextualise your achievements and reinforce your level of responsibility and suitability. DO: Proof read your resume Incorrect spelling, grammatical errors and information inconsistencies are some of the most common mistakes seen in resumes. These oversights are certainly picked up by an employer and demonstrate a lack of attention to detail and effort. Check your resume thoroughly, check it again, and then get someone else to check it. DON’T: Lie or embellish the truth Quite simply, don’t lie about anything on your resume. Don’t embellish the truth around your experience, qualifications or skills to draw an employer’s attention as it is a major risk to your credibility when (not if) you are found out. DON’T: Overstate your value or achievements Employers certainly want to know about the positive impact you had in your previous jobs but they don’t want arrogance. State facts and provide evidence. If you can’t back a big statement with measurable outcomes then don’t include it. Take a step back and think about how what you write might sound to someone else. DON’T: Use long winded sentences or paragraphs Be specific about your previous responsibilities and related achievements.  Use bullet points and keep the message short and to the point.  Remember you only have a few seconds to grab attention so keep it succinct. DON’T: Use fancy or unusual fontsDecorative or bright fonts add absolutely not value to your resume, if anything it detracts.  Use professional, easy-to-read fonts (i.e. Arial, Tahoma, Times New Roman). Use these simple pointers as a checklist when next updating your resume. Doing so will help ensure you are left with a logical, strong resume tells an employer exactly what they want to know in the initial five to ten second screening process.