10 Questions To Ask In A Job Interview

Job Search Basics

24/06/2015BY: Tracey Mesken

​Job searching can be stressful, intimidating and frustrating.  First you need to find a job to apply for that matches your qualifications, skills and experience.  You then need to update your resume that you haven’t looked at for years, in addition to researching and preparing for any interviews.  Searching for a job can be a full time job in itself, often taking months to find the right one.

The following job search tips will hopefully help make your job search less stressful, and prepare you to get out there and tackle it with confidence.

Have a goal
Take the time to work out the area you want to work in, what types of employment do you enjoy and where would you like to be in the future.  Having a goal gives you a direction to work towards, keeping you focused while also saving you an enormous amount of time.

You can never be too prepared when it comes to job searching.

  1. Firstly make sure your resume is up to date, complete with current work history and references.  If you are unsure how to go about this, there are many small businesses that can help with resume creation and updating.

  2. Ensure you keep a professional and non-offensive appearance on social media.  Don’t forget, in today’s digital world recruiters and potential employers will do their own research on you.

  3. Brush up on your interview skills by practicing with a friend.  You just never know when you will be asked to come in for a meeting in person.

  4. If necessary, undertake any training or certification that you may need to ensure your skills are aligned to the latest industry requirements.

Pay Attention
Recruiters and potential employers are often left with the impression that job seekers are lazy and not very interested in getting a job, why?

  1. Many applicants don’t appear to read the job advertisement past the job title.  The ad may ask specific questions that have not been answered.  It may request that resumes should not be attachments to an email and resumes are attached to an email anyway.  The list goes on and on.

  2. Resumes and cover letters often contain spelling mistakes, incorrect grammar or poor copy and paste efforts.

  3. Job seekers come to interviews completely unprepared, often not even having viewed the employer’s website.  Many asking few questions past how much does it pay and what other entitlements do I get.

Would you want to hire someone like this? Show the employer that you are different by paying attention to everything you do in the entire application process from initial application right through to the final interview.

Seek Help
There are many services available that can help you fine tune your preparation skills and put you in contact with companies that have job vacancies.  While the responsibility of many recruitment services end once your position is secured, others take things further.  They become your employer and invest time, money and resources into setting you up to succeed in your job and future job prospects.  Whether you are looking for full time employment, short term jobs or contract work there will always be help available to you.


Job searching is hard work.  Preparing yourself properly can make all the difference to your job seeking success.  Keep these tips in mind and most importantly never give up, stay positive and keep at it, success will come.