Social Media Job Search

3 steps to get social in your job search

17/09/2013BY: Tracey Mesken

Social media is continuing to boom and with no signs of slowing down, perhaps it is time you considered ways to use it to your advantage when on the hunt for your ideal job.

According to the latest social media statistics published by Frank Media, there are 12 million monthly Facebook users in Australia,  3.4 million people are logging into LinkedIn, and Twitter has an active Australian user base of of almost 2.2 million.  Facebook recently announced that 9 million Australians use Facebook on a daily basis alone!

Employers are getting more savy with social media too, using it as a proactive candidate sourcing tool.  You could actually be benefiting from having the jobs come directly to you if you are persistent and treat your social media profiles like your personal advertising page.

It’s time to get more social in your job search. Here are three simple steps to help you get started.

Step 1: Make yourself visible (that means searchable)

Build your profiles and complete them to the fullest extent.  A half completed LinkedIn profile is of no use to you when potential employers are conducting a proactive candidate search. Make sure your profile is as complete as possible with relevant skills and experience and optimise your profiles for SEO by using well-placed keywords and phrases.

Have your 'elevator pitch' down pat and make sure you are ready to deliver it to new online contacts. Your elevator pitch should be a short, snappy introduction that sums up who you are as a worker and what you can offer employers.

BUT…being visible doesn’t mean overdoing it.  Don’t fib or embellish the truth or harass people to connect with you.  Be relevant and professional at all times.  A good profile will appear in more searches and give you good exposure to start building your network.

Step 2: Think outside the LinkedIn box

LinkedIn is the most popular platform for professional networking and job hunting, but it's not your only social media tool. Get a bit creative and look at other options.

Someone pursuing in-demand engineering jobs might establish a Twitter account in order to follow key employers and experts in their industry, as well as share knowledge and interesting stories. This demonstrates they are active and engaged in their field.

Try WordPress or Blogspot to create your very own website and blog, from which you can share interesting, professional and insightful thought pieces on topics of interest.

An individual hunting for admin jobs might use YouTube to create a video resume that they can distribute to prospective employers. This shows that you are switched on and offers a point of difference between you and other applicants.

Step 3: Don't make comments or post images that might turn a potential employer away

Social media is dangerously deceptive in that it feels temporary. However, social media posts, like just about everything else on the internet, can last for a long time. Even posts that you delete, or accounts that you close down, can come back to haunt you further down the line.

The best policy is to always use common sense when maintaining your professional and personal social media accounts. If you wouldn't say something in a job interview, don't say it on LinkedIn. And if you wouldn’t say something to a co-worker, don't put it on Twitter or Facebook.

Remember dream jobs don’t just land in laps…it takes time and effort. Social media can work to your advantage if thought through and used right.